1. Leadership coaching
2. career coaching and mentoring
3. Trainings and education
1. Leadership coaching
I’m empowering leaders to close the gap between where they are now and where they want to be with focused, compassionate, challenging and goal oriented coaching.
I will not walk the road for you, I will walk with you.
I will help you clarify your vision, align your actions with your values and stay focused on what truly matters. I will challenge you to think bigger, push you to go further and support you when the journey gets tough.
For whom leadership coaching is?
For successful managers who:
- want to push their limits and become even more successful
- are under constant pressure, which reduces their focus, productivity and job satisfaction
- want to establish a balance between private and business life
- want to be the main actor in their own lives – consciously choosing battles and proactively leading themselves and others
- are at a turning point in their career – (e.g. recently promoted, degraded, changed position, changed department)
- facing a big change (e.g. transferring from corporate world to entrepreneurship, acquisition)
- need an independent and reliable person to test innovative ideas and strategies
- need someone to talk to, who will actively listen and give undivided attention, with human, confidential and compassionate approach
Last but not least: talents on their way to a managerial position who need support to overcome fears, sabotaging thoughts and other challenges that may occur.
How leadership coaching process works?

2. Career coaching & mentoring
You don’t like your current job? You know you can do more, but you are stuck? With a combination of coaching and mentoring, I help clients change their careers.
With coaching – helping my clients to align career with their deepest values, strengths, and aspirations. With mentoring – providing guidance, advice and support for finding or designing your dream job. You will love Mondays again.

Why to pick me as your career coach?
In my career in Human Resources I have conducted few thousands job interviews across a wide range of positions, from bank clerks to IT directors, Chief Digital Officers, and executive-level roles.
With my deep understanding of talent acquisition, selection processes and employer way of thinking I can help you to successfully match your talent with the role that best align with your skills and aspirations.
I can help you:
- Find a new job
- Get promotion and/or raise
- Change whole career
- Overcome Imposter Syndrome
- Set boundaries and proactively lead your career
- Pick upskill or reskill

How to find a new job?
I can help you speed up a process of finding new job by giving you concrete advice:
– how to edit a resume for a specific position,
– how to write a motivation letter,
– where and how to look for a job,
– how to prepare for the interview,
– how to negotiate salary and whole compensation package
Looking for a new job? Reach out.
How to get a promotion?
How to get a raise?
You know you deserve more, but your time is never coming. You’re doing your best at work, but you’re still not making progress. I can help you. Your role is that you really want to progress and you are ready to do everything in your power to make it happen.
By combining coaching and mentoring, I help my clients get a raise and promotion.

Wow to change a career?
Are you feeling stuck in your current job, unsure of how to move forward? Maybe you know exactly what job you want, but you’re not sure how to get there. Or perhaps you’re certain that your current role isn’t right for you anymore, but you’re struggling to figure out what else you’d love to do. If you’re ready for a change, I’m here to help.
We’ll start by conducting a thorough SWOT analysis to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Together, we’ll pinpoint the knowledge and skills you need to find your dream job and we will create a personalized learning and development plan to get you there.
I’m helping my clients change their careers – finally feel fulfilled and excited to start each week. You will love Mondays again.
How to overcome imposter syndrome?
You got a promotion or moved to a higher position in a new company and everything is new to you. Expectations are high, and imposter syndrome arises. It’s hard for you to even admit it to someone. I’m here for you. First of all, to listen to you, to hear how you feel, what worries you the most and then make a strategic plan how to face new challenges, be successful and how to begin to feel competent.
(Imposter syndrome is a feeling of incompetence and insufficient knowledge of an individual, who is in constant fear that his incompetence will be discovered and that everybody will at some point realize that he has deceived them all.)
I help clients overcome imposter syndrome and increas self-confidence.

Who is in charge of your career?
Have you planed your career or it just happened to you?
Do you find yourself accepting all possible assignments? Do you want to participate in every project so that someone notices you and you get a promotion? Do you find yourself in a situation where you just sleep and work? And where does such a career path lead you to? Usually in burnout. Tired, exhausted and not even close to achieving the goal.
All that can change. I can help you define a specific career goal, sharpen your focus, rearrange priorities and learn to say NO! to everything that distracts you from your goal.
I help my clients set boundaries and proactively guide their career towards their desired position and desired goal.
Which upskill or reskill to chose?
I’m helping clients identify the perfect combination of what they love to do, in what they are good at and what of all that is in demand on the market. By aligning their passions and strengths with market needs, I guide clients in making informed decisions about which new skills to develop or how to adjust their approach to work.
My role is to support them in mastering these skills or changes, holding them accountable, and helping them maintain motivation and focus. The ultimate goal is to ensure that this investment not only brings immediate satisfaction but also pays off in the long term, whether through a salary increase, career advancement, or the successful launch of their own business.

3. Trainings and education
- Training and education within leadership academies—for the development of managers and talents on their path to leadership roles:
- Soft Skills Training: Enhance communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and team collaboration skills, essential for effective leadership.
- Trainings on Demand: Customized training according to client needs
Each training and educational program I offer is grounded in the latest scientific research, with a strong emphasis on practical application in real-world business scenarios.
Each training begins with a short theoretical foundation, where key concepts and principles are explained to participants. From there, we dive in to experiential learning, which includes independent exercises, collaborative interactions, role-playing, demonstrations and case study simulations. Participants are encouraged to engage fully, contribute to discussions, and share best practices, all while exploring effective strategies to address the specific challenges they face in their professional environments. The ultimate goal is practical learning, so that new knowledge and skills can be used at their work place the next day after training.
High-impact training and education programs that empower your leaders and talent to excel in their roles
- Leadership Development Programs: Comprehensive training within leadership academies designed to cultivate the skills of current managers and high-potential talents as they advance toward leadership positions. These programs focus on building strategic thinking, decision-making, and effective leadership practices that drive organizational success.
- Soft Skills Training: Equip your team with the essential soft skills that are the cornerstone of effective leadership and teamwork. From enhancing communication and emotional intelligence to mastering conflict resolution and fostering collaboration, these sessions ensure your leaders can navigate and lead with confidence in any situation.
- Trainings on Demand: I provide fully customized training solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of your organization. Whether you require targeted skill development or a comprehensive learning program, I create and deliver content that aligns perfectly with your organizational goals, ensuring measurable outcomes.
By partnering with me, you’ll be investing in the growth and success of your leadership team and your leaders of tomorrow, your talented workforce. Let’s work together to build a stronger, more capable organization, where every employee is equipped to thrive and contribute to your long-term success.
Examples of training and education topics:
- Psychological Safety at Work
- Employee Experience – The Driving Force of Business Growth
- How to Find, Hire, and Retain the Right Person
- How to Manage Stress at Work
- Burnout! What Now?
- Conducting Difficult Conversations
- Leadership Styles
- First-Time Manager leadership program
- Leading by Coaching
- How to lead generation Z
- How to Implement Career Coaching in the Organization
- Other Topics on Request

Do you want to schedule a meeting or free consultation?
Call me at +358 99 7528 370 or simply schedule a meeting: